Its borderland character, its impressive Megalithic complex and the heritage contained in its historic town centre and Gothic Quarter, along with the allure of the nearby Sierra de San Pedro Mountain Range and the Tagus International Natural Park, make Valencia de Alcántara one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Extremadura due to its wide range of tourist attractions.

It is worth noting the importance of the natural environment surrounding the town. The Sierra de San Pedro Mountain Range (Area of Regional Interest), the varied ornithological fauna (large birds of prey and soaring birds) and the various different ecosystems (Mediterranean mountain range, riverbanks, streams, meadows and scrub areas) as well as the Tagus International Natural Park make this region a destination that has a lot to offer its visitors.

The history of this city is reflected in the elements of its heritage, the historical facts and the characters that have influenced it. Among them you can find the prehistoric period and the town’s remarkable Dolmenic Complex, Roman and Visigoth heritage, the most significant milestones of the Middle Ages, especially those related to the Order of Alcántara, and the link between the Infanta Isabel, the daughter of the Catholic Monarchs, and the Portuguese King Manuel “The Fortunate”. It is also worth mentioning the wide variety of cultures that have populated Valencia de Alcántara, including Muslims, Jews and Christians, which have left behind a valuable legacy of ancestral knowledge.

This cultural heritage also extends to its cuisine, which has managed to preserve several ancient culinary traditions, in which products derived from pork and lamb are used as the main ingredient to make delicious recipes such as cachuela, buche, morcillas mondongas, chanfaina, frite de cordero and traditional migas, as well as dishes and stews made with game meat (both large and small). Its confectionery includes delicious wedding cakes and fritters, traditional Easter buns and pork rind cakes.

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